Saturday, October 31, 2009

Turned into Credit Bureau!!!!?

My credit card company said I have one report against me to the Credit Bureau---what happens to me now?? I sent in my payment, it went to the wrong address, I was on vacation, so by the time I got back, I had had that late payment, plus my next one. I sent them both at the same time, and the first was considered late. So they reported it to the bureau...what happens to me now?? I%26#039;m just scared I won%26#039;t be able to buy anything big in the near future. I pay way over my minimum balance and when I get out of school I plan to pay the entire thing off in a few months. Please help, I guess I should%26#039;ve read about the credit bureau before getting my card in the first place...

Turned into Credit Bureau!!!!?

Everything that you buy on credit or when to open the account you need to provide your social security number to do a credit check (not only credit card but even the utility bills or cell phone)gets reported to the credit bureau. If you have a report against you that means they reported a late (over 30 days) payment. I know that you do not like to hear this but if you have a late payment over 30 days, that gets reported and affects your credit score. If you only have one payment over 30 days it%26#039;s not that bad though. Your credit score number gets lowered and the lower the number the higher the interest rate when you apply for credit in the future and if you have missed payments with a pattern of late (30 days or worst, 60 days) payments you might not be able to obtain jobs in certain fields or rent an apartment not to mention obtaining credit... Advice is be as conservative as you can from now on. It is not relevant to pay more than the minimum required amount on a credit card or other loan, so do not think that this help in any way. What is important is to send the payments religiously before the due date ( mail it at least 5 days in advance) or pay by phone or Inet and if it happens that you passed the due date, as long as it is before they issue a new statement, and is under 30 days, pay it even though with penalties. Hope this explanation helps you.

Turned into Credit Bureau!!!!?

One late payment isn%26#039;t going to kill your credit rating, but how much it affects your credit rating depends on how much established credit you have. -- The less time it has been established, the larger the impact.

But step back for a second... if this is your only late payment, and you follow it up by more than 6 months of on time payments... the impact will not be all that significant. The credit score is designed to separate the occasional error from the consistent miscreants, so if you%26#039;ve been good for a long long time, and your card isn%26#039;t maxxed, you shouldn%26#039;t be overly affected.

Turned into Credit Bureau!!!!?

Don%26#039;t worry about it. someone with perfect credit and pays everything on time could be worse then bad credit. looks to clean you don%26#039;t want that. one late payment wont efect you. so chill relax and have a good day

Turned into Credit Bureau!!!!?

No Need to worry at all. That%26#039;ll take little or no points off at all. I think you have a right to dispute that by sending in the dispute form that came with your credit report. Sometimes these companies hope you are late by tacking on extra interest and late payment fees. They will try to get away with as much money as possible. Read your ammended user agreement. They like to make everything sound so good in the beginning and then after a few months they send you a declaration of changes to your account in their favor. This will not effect any major problems with taking out big loans in the future. Watch out for prepayment penalties on purchasing cars.

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